Sunday, October 31, 2010

35mm Camera, Lenses, Filters, Flash, Strap and Case

Along time ago (right out of high school) I was a professional photographer.  My how things have changed over the years and now I'm a digital kind of girl.  If you're into film photography, this will be a great find for you!

Yashika TL Eletctro I remember scrimping and saving to pay $160 in 1977.  :O
Vivitar Telephoto Lens also about $160 in 1977.  I couldn't believe I was paying almost the same for the lens as I had the camera.
Nishika Twin Light 3010 Flash I think this ran me about $50 in the 90's.
Hoya Filters - Polarizing filter to reduce sunlight glare and star filter (my favorite).  Paid about $25 for each of these in the 80's.

So, there's a little over $400 of camera equipment that still works beautifully.  I wish I had the time (and knowledge) to continue film photos, but it's just not happening.

All the equipment, plus the strap and case - $200.


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